Friday, September 25, 2009

I wish I had something better to say

Some of you know that Jon and I have been in process of another round of IVF. Last time we miscarried almost right away. I'm very sad to say that this time is not much different.

We were going in for our embryo transfer today and just as we were getting ready to leave, we got a call from the Doctor that we didn't have a single, healthy embryo to transfer. So it was cancelled.

So here is a little background if you don't know much about our story. Our problems is a genetic defect that causes even more genetic defects in an embryo. We thought that our odds of getting a healthy embryo were about 30%, which is not good, but workable. Last time we did IVF we had 3 out of 10 embrios pass genetic testing, which matched the 30%. So when we were going in for this round, we knew they had tested 16 of our embryos for genetic defects and that 12 had survived as of yesterday, and so we were expecting at least 3-4 embryos today. Instead, all 16 had severe genetic defects. Big shock to us and the Doctors. They think our 30% estimate was not quite right and we may have worse problems that we thought. They do not think we should do IVF again until the technology is better and there is more they can do to help us. They said maybe 5-10 years.

This is hard. We are so sad. It's painful to want something so desperately, and to have it taken away. I have found myself forgetting to breathe today. BUT, just as last time, we are humbled and grateful at the outpouring of love and support from family and friends. There people much more deserving of all your thoughts and prayers, but we are still so grateful for it. We know we will have our family some day, some way. It's just not our time now unfortunately.

We will not being doing IVF again until the technology advances but we will hope for other options. Adpotion is where we would like to go now.

Thank you all again for all of your well-wishes, prayers and support. It helps so much more than you know.


Kirsten said...

My prayers are with you too, I'm so sorry. I'm sure there are beautiful babies waiting to become part of your family, they just have to get to you through another way. I hope adoption goes well and you can have a baby in your family soon!

Malerie said...

i love you, and i'm so sorry. i will send lots of prayers and loves your way! you are truly an incredible woman, tracy.

Kate said...

I love you sister! And Peaches loves you too! You are always in our thoughts and prayers! We are excited to see you in a few weeks.

linda said...

Crying, as I'm typing this...
Having gone through infertility problems, I truly feel your pain and sorrow.
Love you both!

Adams Family Album said...

Love you sweetie! Remember, everything happens for a reason, we just don't always know what it is. Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way :D

Avree said...

Tracy and Jon, I'm so sorry. I won't pretend like I know how you feel but just know that I'll be praying for you. One of the wonderful things about having the gospel is that we can have our children sealed to us, even if they come to us in different ways. Being a dietitian I've spent a lot of time in NICUs and hospital nurseries and have been able to watch a little bit of the process of adoption. It always makes me so happy to see little babies whose birth parents love them enough to give them a better life through adoption. I just know you and Jon are going to be wonderful parents to some babies who otherwise might have had very sad lives.

Brock and Kensey said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Jon. I love you!

Losee said...

we love you guys!

SaRah G. said...

I love you Tracy.

Ashlie Dalton said...

I'm so sorry Tracy. You guys are in our prayers.

Meghan Ence said...

I'm so sorry you guys are going through this. My heart aches for you both. Here's a quote from Elder Holland that always makes me feel comforted, "I testify that bad days come to an end, that faith always triumphs and that heavenly promises are always kept." I love you guys and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

jamirodana said...

I'm so sorry Tracy and Jon. I don't understand sometimes why good people have these issues:(
I did get a little excited, though, when you mentioned adoption.
In case you didn't know, Jake came from a family of 11 adopted kids:)
We are totally FOR it!
You two are awesome and will be amazing parents some day, hopefully sooner than later.
Thanks for sharing with us. You are strong lady!

Gretchen said...

I love what your one friend said about how shes loves to see little babies lives that are made better through adoption. That is so true. Any baby that gets to fall asleep in your and Jon's arms, whether thru IVF in the future or adoption, is one lucky little angel :)

Tiffany said...

Im so sorry this didn't work out Tracy. It can be so hard knowing you can't have kids. If you have any questions about the adoption process please let me know. I still have all of our paperwork and everything. It really is a beautiful thing

Stephenson and Katie said...

Love you guys, you're in our prayers!
You are going to be the best mom, whether it's through adoption or future IVF- it'll still be YOUR baby- and meant to be in your amazing family!!

ferardandy said...

Arden prays for you guys every night. we are thinking of you, and we want to help in any way we can.

The Coffer's said...

I am so sorry. My heart aches for the two of you. I know how bad you want this. If you need anything, I would love to help. Big hug from me and my family.

Lisa Moore said...

I'm so sorry Tracy and Jon. You two will be wonderful parents someday. Josh's brother and his wife went through a similar experience with 2 IVF failures and 3 miscarriages. They now have a cute family with 3 adopted children. You are both amazing and are in our prayers!

Michelle said...

We love you guys and want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Ditto to what everyone else said. You and Jon are amazing people and any baby would be so fortunate to be apart of your family :)

Frei Family said...

You are amazing people.... and i know you will have the oppurtunity to be parents one day... When i am dealing with all of this, rhett and i try really hard to remember that the Lord is preparing us for something better... when things dont go our way-- this what we say... We never know what lies ahead!!

Kindra said...

I am not sure why things happen the way they do. All I can say is that everything does happen for a reason, even if it takes us a long long long time to be able to see why. I know for me, the waiting to find out why is the hardest part. And sometimes we don't get to find out why. My life isn't anywhere near what I thought it would be 10 years ago, but all I can say is that I am grateful for what I have gone through, I would not be ME if I didn't go through it all and I am only stronger because of it. I had to be brought to my very lowest, my very most vaulnerable to be able to rise above. My heart aches for you two, but I know the Lord is on your side, Love ya.

dave + kirst said...

Oh Tracy, I'm so sorry for you - I know that you guys will make awesome parents and it will just take some time or a different venue for them to come. Our prayers are with you guys. You'll make it through - remember the Gordon B. quote. It'll all work out and maybe in a completely different way but it will be for the best - you'll learn things about yourself that you wouldn't have before. But I know it totally sucks right now. Know that we love you guys.

Amber said...

Chris and I are truly sorry for you guys! Being a parent is the most wonderful thing in the world and I know that you guys will get to experience it soon! We are praying for you guys and love you!

Chris and Tara said...

You've been in our prayers. And we'll keep you there.

Amy said...

My heart hurts for you - you are certainly in our prayers.

Johnson Fam said...

I am so sad to hear that this time didn't work out. I know you guys will be the most happy and great parents ever when the opportunity arises. I love you tons and I am so glad to call you my friend.