Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I stole this from my cousin Rachel's blog (you are far more in depth than I will be Rach... I'm too lazy for that kind of digging haha).

It is called the honest scrap award and these are the rules...

A) First list 10 honest things about yourself--and make it interesting even if you have to dig deep.
B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of Honest Scrap...

#1 I am a slob... I really only clean when I know someone is coming over to my house. People come over and they always say how lovely our house is but really, I am just a big, fat faker. I am not clean and tidy... I wish I was. Try coming over some time without me knowing, then you will see the real me.

#2 This kind of goes along with #1. I really like to be lazy. If I have a day off work and school, I should use that to do productive things and sometimes I do, but other times, I am flat out lazy. I could lounge around my house watching TV and eating junk all day... dare to dream.

#3 I am way too self indulgent. I am always thinking what other people are thinking about me. (what is everyone gonna think about me for posting this???) It's a bit pathetic I think. I cant stand for people to look down on me or be dissappointed in me or anything like that and so I will do just about anything to avoid that, even if I do something I think is wrong or that I just dont want to do. Why cant I just let it go?? I'm a bit spineless.

#4 When I see a pregnant person, at first I get really happy and I love to see their cute belly, but after a minute I think my face literally starts to turn green because I get so jealous. I'm still happy to see them, and I love the cute pregnant girls, but I envy you...

#5 I can be a really good liar (huh mom?). But I try to limit my lies to the ones that are for the greater good, such as hiding a surprise. I like that. Likewise, I like to be surprised.

#6 I think I spoil my hubby rotten... it's just so fun to see him smile and be happy and surprised and so I keep doing it! I may have created a monster though... oh well. Love you babe.

#7 I think I am spoiled rotten... perhaps thats why #6 happens? Family, friends, co-workers, all these people spoil me. Why? Why do you all do that? You are making me rotten I think.

#8 I dont think I could live without Faith. I love knowing that there is a plan for my life whether I can see it or understand it or not. It's something that ALWAYS helps me when I'm down. When I just remember that in one way or another, there is a purpose to everything, it helps me to just accept things that are hard and be grateful for the things that are not. The good in my life outweighs the bad about 11.6 million times. That makes me happy. I'm a lucky girl.

#9 I cry almost everytime I watch Extreme Home Makeover (you do it too Sharla... dont judge :) Seriously, I am a big bawl baby. Shows like that make me cry almost every time. It's so dumb. I even shed a little tear when I watched the Hills trailor for this season when Heidi and Lauren hug and make up... pathetic. I dont cry much when I am hurt or sad, but when its something really happy I cry.

#10 I dont even know what else there is... I dont think I am that deep. Although my english professor at Utah State once told me I was "As deep as the ocean". He was a looney.

I am not gonna pick 10 people cuz I want ALL of you to do it. I love reading stuff like this about other people so get crackin!


Kasey said...

Oh Tracy I love you! Oh and that english teacher..that looney..remember when I took his class the semester after you..I loved that class!! ;) Love you! Have a happy day! Lataz~Love always, Kasey

Avree said...

Haha, nice post Woob, loved it! I was at the gym last night and The Biggest Loser was on the TVs and I started crying, I tried to pretend that I was wiping sweat off my face.

Gretchen said...

Just picture for a second me working out on my eliptical, watching Extreme Home Makeover and crying. Don't laugh TOO hard because it happens a lot. hahahahaha

ferardandy said...

i am a lazy slob, too. i don't really believe that about you though, i'm sure i'm much much worse.