Thursday, November 1, 2007

I've been TAGGED!

So my good buddy Meh meh (Meghan Ence) tagged me and here are the rules if I tag you!


A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.

B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.

C. At the end of the post, the player then tags other people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

Ok here goes...

#1 I am a freak about the way I eat my food. Ask my husband or mom and they will tell you all about it! I have to eat my food a certain way. The way I eat my morning eggs cracks my mom up, I have 2 eggs with only 1 yolk and 1 piece of wheat toast with spray butter, I eat the whites first with some of the toast but I have to leave a square of toast big enough to put the remaining yolk on top, then I cut that into 4 pieces and enjoy! I also have to eat all the chocolate off my Reese's, then the peanut butter. It's a little OCD but almost everything I eat has to be a certain way... I just love food so I wanna get the most out of it ya know. Thats understandable right?

#2 I have this wierd, kind of gross habbit of chewing on the inside of my cheek... I do it constantly, I just chew on it all the time, especially if I am stressed. It drives Jon nuts and I try really hard to fight it but I just cant control myself!

#3 I only have 1 and 1/8 first ribs... Let me explain... Your first rib is the one at the very top, close to your neck. A few months ago I had surgery to resect one of mine because it was blocking one of my arteries, the one that gets the blood to your arm so when I raised my hand, I had no pulse! So they went in through my armpit and clipped off about 80% of the rib. It's a really wierd surgery, not done often so it makes me kinda special right? ;)

#4 I am a nut job when I sleep (sometimes)... sometimes it's not so bad and sometimes it is. I sleep walk like crazy, but not normal sleepwalking... I am not only all over the place walking around, talking to people, rearranging furniture, selling wedding dresses, giving hugs to nobody, you name it, but the wierd thing is that I know exactly what I'm doing! It's like being in 2 worlds at the same time... So I can be like ringing up a customer at the toaster and think "Oh I am so tired, it's 3am, I should be sleeping in my bed, I am home and its not time to work.... but I cant ignore my customer..." It's bizzare, I cant stop myself... Ask me for my stories sometime, they are sure to give you a good laugh. Jon thinks it's real funny too, if he catches me he will just egg me on and play along until I snap out of it.. then I hit him and go back to sleep.

#5 I wish I could live at Lake Powell forever. I love it there so much!

#6 I feel like the luckiest person alive! I have the most amazing family on earth. I have this incredible husband. He is so much fun and so funny! I love the way he is. He is such a hard worker, so smart and driven, but when it's time to play, he plays! He turns into this 3 year old that is just giggling and playful and I just love that! My family is amazing... I grew up with 3 older brothers and no sister (except Bevin, she is pretty much my sister and I love her to pieces!). My brothers are the best, they are SO much fun to be around, I love spending time with them in St. George and I equally love spending time with their wifes because they are my sisters! Sharla, Fergi and Kate are honestly the most amazing people, I cant imagine loving a real sister any more than those girls. They are so different from eachther but equally amazing. I dont think they know how much I look up to them... guess they do now! My parents... well if any of you have ever met Barb and Kerry, you already know how great they are! My mom is who I can only hope to become and my Dad taught me pretty much everything good I know! Jons family is incredible as well. They are so fun and loving and just good good people, they are the best in-laws I could ask for! Now dont you think I am lucky??

I tag: Barb, Kate, Fergi and Sharla!!!!


Zak Johnson said...

I have to agree with #6. Your brothers are the coolest cats alive. But you forgot to mention your saint-dog domino. He probably deserves the #1 spot by himself.

Meghan Ence said...

I'm so glad you did this. That sleep walking thing is soooo funny. I knew you sleep walk but I didn't know how bad it was. ha ha. That is so funny. You are gonna freak out your future kids. They're not gonna know what's going on. ha ha jk. Love your tag though!

ferardandy said...

i think WE are the lucky ones to have you for a sister, even with all your crazy cheek-chewing, night-walking, and one less rib.

Stephenson and Katie said...
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Stephenson and Katie said...

I totally agree on doing something fun- I love game nights but it'd be fun to get a group and actually leave Foxboro for a night :) Call me! We're down for whatever, whenever! 480-258-4056
I'm soo glad you have a blog! Now it'll be even EASIER to be social!

Kim said...

Bush I always knew you were weird and thats why i like you so much. I am kinda particular about my food too but definately not that bad haha

Meghan Ence said...

Hey Tracy... about the Wii, I bought it used from Jacob Kliner. It was only a few months old so he gave us a really good deal. It came with two paddles and two things that connect to it (I forget what they are called.) He also threw in four games. He sold it to us for $350. My brother in law bought a brand new one and with the paddles and two games and it cost him almost $450. (I think) He bought it online so I think the price included shipping. I like the Wii. it's pretty fun when we get a ton of people together to play!

Stephenson and Katie said...

Tracy you so need to update your blog :) Let's go out and do something fun so we can have a cool blog post! But seriously- we need a game night SOON! Sunday??

Anonymous said...

You're hilarious! The funniest tag I've read.

Would you want to run the marathon with me? Just do it! It will be fun!

Where in Salt Lake do you live?

Meghan Ence said...

Yipee!!! My buddy is coming to the STG. How long are you going to be in St. George for? Are you staying for thanksgiving? I will be here all weekend. Call me so we can get together.

Meghan Ence said...

Three words.... NEW POST PLEASE!!!.... I'm so glad we got together when you came down. I had so much fun. It was soooo good to see you again!

Jason, Kim, & Kallie said...

Tracy... is Jon going to law school? I saw your post on Kylee's page.