Saturday, November 12, 2011

Here comes baby!

Wow... what a week it has been.

My pregnancy has gone so well. I have been really lucky to have such a healthy and smooth pregnancy. Minimal morning sickness, normal weight gain, everything has been right on track.

Well, starting on Tuesday things took a little change. I felt fine as I went in to see my Doctor for a regular visit but to our surprise my BP was very high. So I was sent to Labor and Delivery and told that if it didn't come down, they would induce me that day (yikes!). Thankfully, my pressure went down and all my labs were normal so I was sent on home.

Long story short, Wednesday and Thursday went about the same. Each time I came to follow up with my Doctor, my BP was high, higher each day in fact and so each day she sent me back to Labor and Delivery where my BP would almost immediately come down. Weird.

I do not have pre-eclampsia, just high blood pressure, but it's enough that my Doctor is not comfortable with me staying pregnant, and so, Sunday, my 37 week mark, is the day! I will go to the hospital Sunday evening for some "preparatory medication" and they will start Pitocin on Monday morning. My body at last check was not at all ready for labor and so I anticipate a very slow, long process on Monday before our sweet baby girl makes her big entrance.

I can't believe this is happening... I was supposed to have another month, I had plans! I guess our little princess has plans of her own though.

I am SO beyond excited to finally meet her, hold her, kiss her, to see her with her big brother, to see his reaction to her. SO excited for all of that! I'm just hoping and praying that she is a healthy girl. She will be full term and I know that she will be ok, but didn't you just worry like crazy that your baby wouldn't be healthy?? Is that just me? It just seems like no one could be so lucky as to have TWO children in perfect health, but that seems to be the norm. I just can't wait to hear her cry.

Funny, Jon took this picture just before I was leaving for my Doctor appointment and I said "I hope this is the LAST one of these we have to do!". Meaning, I have been taking these pictures about every 6 weeks and I hoped I would not go 2 weeks over my due date, I didn't mean she needed to come out NOW.

Anyway though, here we are, weeks 30 & 36

I look weird in that picture... my face is doing something funny.

Anyway, I am home on strict bedrest until Sunday to try and keep my blood pressure down. My family and friends have been angels taking care of Ollie but I am REALLY missing him. I feel so sad that I am on bedrest and can't do all the fun things with him that I wanted to do before this baby came. I had all these plans, and now I am stuck being a boring bump on a log momma. :(
I am so so sad that I can't really take advantage of these last few days of just Ollie. I know I will still have time with just the two of us, so I am trying to remember that another baby doesn't replace my Ollie, and doesn't mean I can't spend time with just him. I just wish I could do more with him now.

I guess the next post you see here will be of baby girl... that's crazy.
Wish us luck!!!


linzi said...

Good luck, Tracy!!! You'll do great! I'll keep you in my prayers all day long. I can't wait to see your new addition, and to hear all of the beauties of life!!!

Amber said...

I'm so excited! You will do great! Can't wait to see the pics and hear her birth story!

Ashlie Dalton said...

it's crazy how quickly things can change. but it's great that you have made it this far with everything being great. good luck on monday, i'm excited to see baby girl layne! please let me know if there is anything you need- i know you have plenty of people but i'm just around the corner. :)

Amy said...

We prayed for "Ollie - sister?" tonight with Tommy. Good luck tomorrow I hope it all goes beautifully! (And you look great)

Kasey said...

Good luck Tracy! I am SO excited for you!!! You look GREAT!! I worried like crazy about having healthy kids! I still worry about it..thinking anything can still happen! You will have a new baby but Ollie will still be there and even though it won't be all day long, you will still get alone time with your son! He will cherish it forever! Love ya!!

Ariel said...

Oh Tracy I can't wait to meet her! I seriously have been thinking of you all day! Good luck friend!