Sunday, July 3, 2011


I think it's official... I look pregnant. :)

This is week 13 and week 18. I must admit, I am a lot happier at 18 weeks than I was at 13. I feel like it's pretty obvious that this is a baby bump now and I am lovin' it.
I really was pretty whiney for the first little while because of my weight gain and how I felt I looked, and now, I'm just enjoying it :) I love that people I don't know ask how far along I am, or that people are giving my bump a little pat every now and then. I really do love it. It makes me happy.

Baby girl is doing great! She is a mover and a shaker that's for sure. Feeling her move is THE coolest thing. I absolutely love it. The doctors have all told me (I have had like 7 ultrasounds so far... lucky me!) that I would probably feel her early because of how active she was at each appointment and they were right! I hesitate to say it, because I know a lot of people will say I was just imagining, but I am more sure now than ever that I started feeling this little one around 14 weeks. I wasn't completely sure at the time, but now that I feel her regularly, I recognize that what I felt so early at 14 weeks was the very same thing I feel now, it was just more subtle and soft. She certainly isn't kicking hard enough to cause any discomfort now, but there is no question when she is kicking and when she is just moving around. She's doing it right now actually. :) It's just amazing. I could really sit and just feel her move all day. I love feeling this and knowing that she is ok. It's the most comforting, happy thing. I can't wait for Jon to be able to feel her move too.

I like being pregnant :)


SaRah G. said...

ah!!! i love it!!! you are a beautiful pregnant lady!!! can't wait to meet her!!!... i know it's a ways a way... but still. can. not. wait!!! love you!

Amy said...

You make pregnant look GOOD!!! :D I swear I felt Tommy at 14 weeks and then never again for like 2 months. I believe you 100%. :)

Losee said...

You look so good Tracy! This post makes me happy!

Lisa Moore said...

You look adorable. I agree, feeling a baby move around inside of you is the coolest thing in the world. So glad you are able to experience that!

Kelli J. said...

You look great! I am just a few weeks ahead of you, so I have had this feeling very recently...glad to be more obviously pregnant, not chubby :) I am jealous you already know what your baby is although I only have a few more days until we know too!

Michael and Lindsay Condie said...

You look amazing! I totally believe you felt her at 14 weeks! I felt Reese at 15 weeks and she never stopped moving after that. I'm glad you have an active baby, it is nice to always know they are OK in there.

Melissa said...

That is one cute baby bump! Enjoy being pregnant - it will be over before you know it. :)

Bonnie said...

Hi Sweet Tracy!
This is Mrs. Van...Bonnie, from Santa Clara. I was so excited to see your blog and read that you are having a baby! That is such an amazing gift. I loved seeing your cute little boy and reading all about the way you and your mom decorated your little guys nursery.
You were such a darling little student....and you still look just as sweet as you did in my kindergarten class.
If you do go private....and I kinda hope you don't...let me get on your list.
My daughter Erin has a blog. It is called Sunny Side Up. It is at She gets comments from all over the world! Funny thing...she has a real following from New Zealand of all places.
I am so proud of you. You are a darling wife and mommy. I will check in on you often.

Jessica and Justin said...

Hi Tracy :)
You may not remember me from waaaay back in 7th grade but I found your blog from Lexi Partridge's and wanted to say congrats! How exciting for you. I'm glad to know you are doing well :)
Jessica Myers Smith