Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Binky Blankee Boy

I really want to start recording all of the funny little things Ollie does. So I'm gonna. This will probably not entertain anyone else but me, but that's ok.

Ollie loves his binky and his blankee. A lot.

Every day, at some point, I will be busy doing something and Ollie will sneak into his room and when I find him, he has his blankee and his binky in hand (or mouth), and he is happy. He thinks he is so smart and clever because he figured out how to get them out of his crib without me. Sometimes I think he really is pretty smart because I'm not sure how he gets them sometimes when the bink seems to me to be out of reach... sneaky sneaky.

Anyway, when he gets his treasures, he put the bink in his mouth and snuggles his blankee and it's just so cute... it usually looks something like this

(he is cuddling... not crying)

or this

or both.

See. Not that entertaining huh? But that's my boy, and he entertains me :) I love him.


Amy said...

Oh so adorable. That's what makes him HIM! I love it.

Avree said...

How cute! I can't wait to meet him this week!

Jen said...

I think it's entertaining! Cute little Ollie! I love how kids get so attached to those things. Jacob is about there too. So fun!

Amber said...

Too cute!

Barb Johnson said...

Awwww... now that's just pure love right there.