Monday, September 10, 2007

One lovely summer...

Sad, sad, sad... summer has come to an end... Jon is back to school, no more trips. Sad to say goodbye but we had a great summer for sure! Here are some pictures of our wonderful summer. We went to New York, to Powell, little Isaiah FINALLY arrived, all sorts of good stuff!! Special thanks to all those who made those fun trips happen!!! What a great time!


ferardandy said...

Cute photos, guys! If you have more, I'd love to get them from you!

tracy layne said...

We have tons of pictures! Lots of little Arden too! I will bring them to SG this weekend.

Meghan Ence said...

BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!! I found your blog. How random is that. How are you? What happened to you? I see that you were in the hospital. You didn't have a baby right? Are you ok? I'm so rude. Sorry I didn't call you back. I was in California with my family. Thanks for inviting us to the lake. We totally would have gone. I want to see you. What have you been up to? This is lame, I need to call you. Anyways cute blog!

Barb Johnson said...

hey guys, I just noticed the order of your pictures! There's a picture of you, T, holding a newborn -- followed by pictures of you in the hospital! What are people to think?? :)

tracy layne said...

Good point M... don't want any more rumors flying around than there already are.